The Bible - it's a big book when you're looking through it for something written specifically to and for you.
The Bible Draft is a fun and creative way to connect your experiences, thoughts, and feelings directly to the words of Scripture. Played similar to the format of a fantasy football league with the commeraderie among players in your league, the creativity of team names, and the personalization of Scripture passages just for you, the Bible Draft is a worthwhile challenge for those who have never opened the Bible before as well as for anyone else at any stage in the journey.
2025 Lent Edition Bible Draft And League - LEBDAL - Jubilee Edition
Lent 2025; A Jubilee year in the Church in 2025; And another LEBDAL as Kevin and Crew endeavor the mightiest of Lenten challenges to Read; Reflect; Write; or Ask for help! "My son, from your youth up choose instruction and when you are old you will keep finding wisdom. Come to her like one who plows and sows, and wait for her good harvest. For in her service you will toil for a little while, and soon you will eat of her produce." - Sirach 6:18-19
Reflection Spotlight
Are you thirsty?
Psalms 143:6 | |
6 | I stretch out my hands toward you, my soul to you like a parched land. Selah |
Lent 2020 was extra "Lental", am I right?
It some how seemed appropriate that the churches were shut down, no Mass, no Eucharist, no Stations of the Cross, or fellowship and meals beforehand. Truly devoid of all the "trappings". Just me, in the silence, and my prayer life.
It coulda/woulda/shoulda been soooooooooo easy to fall into despair, loose interest in my faith, because there was none of the "razzle dazzle" to keep my interest. And wane it did!
But then an amazing thing happened when I had given up hope of ever returning to Mass and receiving the Eucharist. I literally became STARVING for the Eucharist.
My daily prayers now included "I long for the day the faithful can return physically to the Lord. I miss you Jesus. Never ever again let me take receiving you for granted."
The first time I was able to return to Mass and receive the Lord in the Eucharist after the long shutdown I was an absolute mess! I cried through the first half of Mass and then again while receiving the Eucharist and yet again in the parking lot, my emotions all over the place and totally overwhelming me.
This remained how I approached the Eucharist for several months. But.......being the fickle, flawed, failed human that I am, I am embarrassed to admit that the exuberance, commitment, excitement, hunger faded.
Church became stale again. I became far away from the Lord.
So this Lent, and truth be told, I hope for the rest of my life, I will pray, mean, have etched on my heart
"I stretch out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land."